Dr. Kevin Aduddell strives to provide top-notch dentistry for his patients in Plano, TX. But he doesn’t stop there. His ultimate desire is to communicate the love of Christ through the care he provides. His zeal for the Gospel also inspires him to care for the dentally underserved at a local Christian clinic. Be challenged and encouraged by Dr. Aduddell’s efforts to integrate spiritual care in his private practice.
Dr. Perry Stamatiades, in addition to owning and managing a comprehensive dental practice in Asheville, NC, is a lecturer and author and the creator...
Dr. Katrina “Kate” Brouwer, ICMDA Dental Ministry Manager of Canada, shares her vision for establishing dental ministry across Canada. Check it out – eh?
The Lord has used Dr. Van Haywood to spark a tooth-whitening revolution in the dental profession, and for three decades he has been pouring...